NASCAR Weekend - Sunday

We packed up on Sunday morning. The little purse I'd been using for the weekend was soaked clear through which is why my previously mentioned receipts were trashed. I thought it was from the storm but it was actually from the cooler leaking on to it.

As we trudged over to the Waffle House, Paula fell off her flip flops and skinned up her elbow and arm. Good thing she had jeans on or her knees would have been in bad shape, too. Funny how these things happen when we're stone cold sober. Waffle House was packed with race fans with most people still wearing their driver's gear.

It was sad to say good-bye but we all had to head our separate ways. Paula to pick up her dog, Tom and Janice to Tucson and me to home for 1/2 hour before I had to leave for my next event, the latest House Concert.

What a great experience it was and I'm grateful to Tom and Janice for being our resident experts and to Paula for those pit passes. I can't wait until the next race!


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