PHINS - Sunday

Argh, Sunday head hurt and I had no voice. Paula was pretty perky after her 14 hour nap. She didn't even remember me waking her up, twice, the night before. She did wake up at 9:30 PM and thought about joining us but didn't have the energy. I agreed to see her at breakfast and got my butt officially out of bed only after Roger called and woke me up.

Oh, I should mention that on both Saturday and Sunday morning, housekeeping knocked on our door at some ungodly hour (probably 8 AM) and since, they couldn't hear me yell, I had to go answer the door. Gawd, I musta looked like a cross between Medusa and something from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Roger, Todd and I somehow missed the fact that the free breakfast was in the Pavilion so we headed to the restaurant on Roger's comped meals. I could barely speak above a whisper and I was dying. We loaded up and hugs all around. At the very last minute, I realized I'd left my cell phone in the room. Whew! That would have sucked.

We headed out with Roger behind the wheel and co-Control Freak Paula as shotgun. I don't think I ever fell completely asleep because I would pipe up whenever someone couldn't remember a name. It's a gift.

We ran into Crime Dog and The Fetching Mrs. Crime Dog at the McDonalds in Kingman Oops, make that Wickenberg - I freely admit to being geographically challenged (Kathy on 4/15/05). (it really is a popular Parrot Head stop). Crime Dog was vastly amused by my squeaky voice and had the line of the weekend: "The last time I saw you, you were four sheets to the wind and someone was still handing you a beer." It's funny because it's true.

I was home by 5 and I don't think Sugar Daddy fully appreciated my silence. I give him a great gift like that and he just didn't appreciate it. That's so him.


Anonymous said…
i believe the ever-so-popular McD's is in Wickenberg, not Kingman...

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