AZPHC Rocks!

The Arizona Parrot Head Club took home the Best in Show award from the Southwest Salsa Challenge...again! They might have to rename it the Parrot Head award since we own it year after year. We also took a Second place in the Mild Salsa Category and our Margarita Mix-Off team led by Craig netted a $650 auction price with their entry.

The front of our booth. We had lots and lots of inflatables, our sound system playing Buffett tunes and Crime Dog on the microphone. The comment was made that he's trying for a carnie position. Seems a likely scenario to me.

The perfect Parrot Head cooler: one batch of salsa and bunches and bunches of Coronas. The beer concession people are probably still talking about us.

Rick Dudley came through on our last minute request to create a display for our trophies. Our two new trophies are going to look great up there with the other 9 from prior years'.

Wood-Eye's been heading up this event for the past few years and he's got exactly the right attitude. You can plan just so much, there may be some hiccups but it will all come out good. He's so right!

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