Cruise Stories - Toga, Toga, Toga

There's something indescribable about seeing over 400 people in togas gathered in one place. That's how many we had lined up on stage and in the front rows of the showroom on the ship for our group photo. Being Parrot Heads, there were few plain white togas. Most of them were wildly patterned and colored and everyone looked awesome!

After the photo shoot, we marched through the ship and made a dramatic entrance into the dining room. Man, the looks we got! That night, we were the dining room entertainment with a group performance of Fins.

Julie and Rick in their Dead Head togas.

Debbie and Terry rented their togas. It was definitely easier than making them.

John and Donna had their togas custom made.

From the fashion house of O'Malley.

Me (gawd, I need to lose weight!), Roger, Kathy, Todd and Mary.

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