I Need a Vacation to Recover From Vacation

I got to my place around 10 PM on Sunday night. Managed to do one load of laundry but otherwise just threw my crap on the bedroom floor. My house was already a mess since things were so hectic before I left that I really needed to do some cleanup.

Only got 5 hours of sleep Sunday night then it was a very long day at work on Monday. I planned on going to the store (no Diet Pepsi in the house is a very bad thing), doing more laundry and cleaning up on Monday night with an early bedtime, too. I was really, really looking forward to that last part.

There was only one man who could get me to deviate from that plan and wouldn't you know, he asked me out? My buddy Gary from Utah was in town for one night so I met him for drinks and dinner right after work.

Gary's been on a road trip to visit every Margaritaville. He's been to all three in Jamaica, Cancun, NOLA, Orlando, Key West, Myrtle Beach, Charlotte (there's one there, right?)...his last stop is Vegas and then he's headed home. He's posting his adventures here if you want to check out his trip.

Every once in a while, you're fortunate to meet someone that you just click with. Meeting Gary was like that for me. We really only spent one afternoon and very long night in Vegas hanging out but I felt an instant bond. I could have hung out with him all night and been quite happy but I was so dang tired.

I tore myself away at 11 and headed home. So much for an early bedtime. I finally crashed and burned last night around 8:30 (without doing any more cleaning or laundry but I did make it to the store).

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