I'm A Weather Wimp

I gotta tell you, it was frickin' freezing here over the weekend. At least, it was to me.

Saturday night, Norene and I headed over to the house concert. They moved it to the garage instead of the patio because the wind was whipping so much. Thank goodness. It got down to 55, but oh, that wind chill! It felt like 40. Norene and I were both frozen and I cranked up the thermostat to 72 when we got home just to take the chill off.

Yesterday morning, we had to move the club's storage unit stuff to a new location. I drove over to Shorty's to borrow his truck and it poured buckets of rain the whole time. Fortunately, it cleared up while we loaded up but it didn't hold off long enough.

It started raining again while Julie and I were trying to count tee-shirts (we inventoried all of our stuff since we were moving it all) and we got plenty wet. I had on my Jimmie Johnson windbreaker which is lightly lined and waterproof and was wearing gloves but I got chilled through and through. Julie loaned me a parka style jacket and that helped a bit.

When I got home, I put on a big denim shirt and huddled under my JJ blanket. I also turned the thermostat up to 72 again instead of the normal 68 I keep it at. I didn't feel like I warmed up until I went to bed.

Here's where I lose any sympathy I might be getting...the high yesterday was 57. To us desert dwellers, that's cold! To folks from anywhere else in the country, that's a balmy spring day.

Clearly, I can't move anywhere north. Ever.

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