Euchre Savant?

It's a fast paced game...

We had our Euchre Tournament yesterday at the Goat's and the Queen's place. It was nearly a full family affair with the Queen's Dad, sister and brother and my parents and God-parents. The Rocket Scientist was the only one not (correction, sue me) related to someone by blood or marriage.

How it works is that each person plays with a different partner each round. There are 11 rounds in all so you play with everyone just once (12 players in all although we used a dummy hand for player #12). A round ends when any team hits 10 points. Each player records what they have when the round ends and we total all of our individual scores to determine the final ranking.

The first round found TRS (player #3) and me (player #4 and how did he get higher on the list than me? I think Goat likes him better than he likes me) against Goat and Queen who were players 1 and 2. They skunked us. They hit 10 before any of the teams at the other tables did and left us with zero points for the round. Bummer. I didn't think we'd recover from that. We moved on and played with everyone else and I managed to get a couple of 10s that made me feel better.

When it came time to tally up, Goat ended up with the most points. I demanded that TRS audit his math to be sure. The prizes were all bottles of wine and, since Goat supplied them, he didn't take one.

The Rocket Scientist came in second. That's pretty dang good considering it was only his third time playing in a live game. I'm the wino, not him, so he let me pick my favorite for his prize.

I came in third. I guess that starting goose egg didn't hurt us too much. I declined a bottle since I already had TRS', though.

Shorty ended up getting a prize and he gave it to me. So, for the first time ever, I actually left a card game with booze.

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