Small World Stories

A week and a half ago, I got a call from one of our club members. He was in Minnesota at a Parrot Head event and told me he'd hooked up with some friends of mine. It was Dawnie and the Iowa group and I'd introduced them when we were all in Wisconsin to see Buffett last summer. I love that I have friends strewn about the country that I've met through Parrot Head activities!

On Sunday, we had a Board meeting and one of Roger's friends showed up to present on her charity. I'd just met her the week before. She told me she was at a fund raiser the night before and talked to someone I knew from my company. It was our VP of Human Resources.

Wednesday morning, we were at Margaritaville post-breakfast and waiting for the parking lot to open when someone called me over to meet some new people who had just shown up looking for our club. I started talking to the couple and they said they'd seen us on TV that morning and were impressed by our commitment to charity. I handed the woman my club business card and she glanced at it then said, "You went to Coronado. You went to Yavapai!" Coronado was my high school and Yavapai my grade school and she was one of my best friends then. We drifted apart post-high school but I was so glad to see her. I hope she joins the club so we can hang out together again.

Later that day, the Jello-Shot Prince was walking through the Buffett tailgate party when someone called out his name. His real name, not his club name. Turns out, it was someone he want to grade school with. In Maine.

Finally, on Friday night, I showed a picture of Steven to two of the women I went to Bon Jovi with. It was one of the pictures from Wednesday where Steven was watching a magic trick. Jojo asked me who was in the picture and I said it was Gene. She said, "I know Gene! He's in our professional group."

All of this is just more incentive to me to behave myself in public. There's no telling who will be there who will know someone I know. The stories will get around...

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