Hate The Game, Not The Player

So, there we were at the Iowa State Fair. Dawnie was leading us out of the little rain shower that was happening when Annette saw a giant Plinko game. She said, "I want to play Plinko" but only loud enough for me to hear her. Because Dawnie was already way ahead of us.

Right after that, an older lady started screaming at her companion, "I want to play Plinko!" It was incredibly whiny and loud. She kept saying it and, when Annette repeated her wish loud enough for Dawnie to hear, Dawnie thought she was mocking the lady and kept walking.

Finally, we got it across that Annette really wanted to play Plinko.

That in itself was funny but not as funny as playing the game.

The booth was sponsored by the Iowa Farm Bureau. You had to answer three questions and got a Plinko chip for each correct answer. Dawnie played first and got two out of three. No Plinkos when she played the chips, though.

Annette was up next. One question was, "Sugar is healthier than high fructose corn syrup. True or False?" She very proudly looked at me and said "True!"

I was like, oh no! Of course, he said "False. High fructose corn syrup and sugar are essentially the same."

She went off on me. "You've been yipping in my ear for months about high fructose corn syrup!"

I told her, "You have to remember where we are. Iowa. It's all about the corn here so of course that's what they're going to say."

She got the other two questions right but didn't win a prize either.

I was up next. My questions were:

1. Chicken is always leaner than pork. True or false? I said false and got a chip.
2. Eating raw fruit and vegetables will decrease your chance for A: stroke, B: diabetes, C: high blood pressure or D: all of the above. I chose D which was correct.
3. Organic meats are safer than commercially produced meats.

Uh oh.

I told the poor Iowa Farm Bureau dude, "I know what you want me to answer but I just can't do it. I'm going to say true." Even though I knew exactly where I was, I couldn't make myself say it. Of course, he said it was false and went on to explain how the processing and distribution of organics make them not as safe." Or, some story like that.

I think the dude was just happy to get rid of us at this point between Annette ragging on me and me lecturing him.

While I didn't win anything with my Plinko chips, I felt like I achieved a moral victory because I stayed true to my beliefs. Of course, it was just a silly game...

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