Book Review - Outlander

One of my book club buds, Brooke, has been telling me how great Diana Gabaldon's Outlander books are. She said she just can't put them down. I put them on my 'read some day' list but hadn't gotten any further than that. Then, my friend Andrea started reading them and became just as obsessed as Brooke so I figured I needed to check it out.

Wow! They are right about not being able to put the book down. I was a half hour late getting to golf because I absolutely had to finish Outlander (the first in the series).

Here's the gist of it: The year is 1945 and a young nurse and her husband are getting to know each other again during a Scotland trip. WWII had kept them apart for several years. They visit a small scale Stonehedge like circle of stones and, when she touches one of the stones, she's transported back to 1743. She immediately gets involved with the local clans who are suspicious that she's an English spy, falls in love with a young Scott, gets captured and rescued a lot and practices medicine and tries to find a way back to her time.

Oh, and she has sex. A lot. So, you know I'm digging the book. I think the Scots wear kilts just so it's easier to get down to bidness. No belts to unbuckle or pants to unbutton, just lift the kilt up and go at it.

Andrea has the rest of the books and I'll be hitting her up for them ASAP.

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