Going To The Dawgs

Friday night, the Arizona Parrot Head Club had our annual night at the dog races. It's always fun and a great event for socializing.

I usually have a winning technique at the dog races. For some reason, after studying all of the stats (down to the sire and dam's names), I can usually pick the second place dog. Never the first place though. So, I make my $2 bet to Place and end up with $2 or $3 profit if I'm lucky.

That didn't work so well for me on Friday. I couldn't win for the life of me. It didn't help that Annette was raking in the wins, either. ;-) Eric earned a new nickname, Bet B*tch, because he was kept busy cashing in Annette's winnings.

Finally, Don Page gave me a pick in the ninth race, KGB Alice To Go. He told me to pick it to place and I went up to make my standard $2 bet. But, I got into the line where the woman behind the window has cerebral palsy and I only had a $10 bill. I don't think she can make change - you have to put your money directly into her hand when she takes your bet. So, I put down $10. Don thought I was a little crazy when I explained why.

Alice was a popular dog for the group (Alice, Alice, who the heck is Alice?). It was the only bet Lou made all night so he was pretty happy.

What do you know? It worked! I broke even with that bet and was suddenly in a much better mood.

Somewhere along the line, Annette became a little more quiet. Hmmm, the gambling gods finally frowned on her and she stopped winning. I'd like to say I felt sorry for her but...

The evening ended with the diehards: Sam and Elizabeth Rainwater, Rick and Julie Dudley, Eric and Annette, Jeff and Cathy Brown, Don and me. We placed a table bet on the last race on long shot and it paid off. I don't know why we couldn't do that all night!

In total, we had 42 people there and, if all of the promised money comes in, we'll raise over $1,500 for Adopt A Greyhound. The majority of that is coming from Pabla matching the club donation and GE matching her amount. Way to go, Pab!

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