Concert Review - Rick Springfield

First off, I have to tell you I was amazed that Rick Springfield is 55. Dr. Noah Drake is old! He still looks pretty good, though.

Pabla called me on Saturday and said Doona (Pab's sister) scored some free tix to the Rick Springfield show at the Ft. McDowell casino. While I had been looking forward to a Saturday night at home (sad, I know) I figured, what the heck? He's always good for an entertaining show.

We met up at the casino and headed into the show which was really heading out to the show as it was in the parking lot. Pab and Sandy (our fourth) went on a beer run and as I turned to watch them, I saw my book club bud, Ann, walking about one foot behind Pab. They were both clueless (and they do know each other). It cracked me up. I called Ann's cell and said "Are you having fun at the concert?" She and her friends came up and sat with us.

This town is too small! I just know that at any point when I'm misbehaving, I'll turn around and someone I know will be catching every bit of it.

The show started and, I gotta say, Rick appeared to be either drunk or stoned. He forgot the words to his song, tried a one handed toss and catch of his guitar and missed (several times) then smashed the guitar. Funny thing, he could still play awesome.

He finally got going and the show was good but different than ones I've seen in the past. (Yep, I've been going to Springfield shows since 1983.) He did a bunch of covers and played some new tunes. (Springfield does Hendrix? Seems weird.)

He also did his signature walk through the crowd on top of the chairs. Those women go crazy! You could see one woman on the monitor mouthing over and over "ohmigod!". Pab and Sandy missed it when he came to our section (another beer run). Bummer but Doona caught some pics on her cell phone.

After the show, we stayed for the fireworks. Longest damn firework show ever! It was over 35 minutes and, since we were sitting less than 150 feet from where they were setting them off, I was worried we were going to flame on at any moment. They were pretty, though and I have to admit I kinda like the smell of gunpowder.

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