Most Expensive Car Wash...Ever

I get a lot of crap about how dirty my car gets. Sugar Daddy is always on me and even Crime Dog busted my chops for it. There are two reasons why I hold out on washing it, though. The first is, because I live in the sticks, I have to drive by construction every day. That puts a nice coat of dust on the car that can't be avoided. The second reason is out of concern for my fellow Phoenicians. See, when I do break down and get the car washed it guarantees that within two days we'll get rain. Not the nice, heavy rain that actually cleans everything and helps with the drought. Nope, it's the spitting, dirty rain that leaves your car looking like you put a tan leopard print design on it.

So, really, it's because I care that it's dirty.

This weekend, I pulled a major idiot stunt. I was coming off the 202 where it ends at Arizona and took the right turn too fast and too wide. Boom! I slid, errr, slammed right into the median curb with my front left tire. It was as they say in the racing world, a hard hit. I actually bounced partially into the other lane and fortunately no one was there. Of all the stupid....yet another reason why I need to win the lottery and hire a full time driver.

The tire didn't blow but my steering wheel immediately started doing a little herky-jerky back and forth though I could easily still go straight. Upon inspection, we saw that I actually broke the wheel. Sugar Daddy followed me into the dealership yesterday morning so I could get it fixed. The whole time in, I had visions of NASCAR where a cut tire spins them into the wall.

The service guy took one look at it and was like, "Whoa, this is dangerous. We're going to put your spare on right away before we fix it." Spare? Duh, perhaps we should have done that before driving it in there?!!? I told him, "Good luck getting to the spare." See, just as I don't wash the outside, I don't clear out my trunk. There's a set of golf clubs, an industrial box of napkins, a blow up doll, several books and binders and God knows what else. He took a look and said, "It's not too bad. But, then I'm not the one who has to get the spare out."

A digression; he noticed my Key West Margaritaville license plate holder and tried to get me to sing Margaritaville for him. Out of concern for his eardrums, I refrained. He was cute...but married. Of course.

One new wheel, an alignment and $412 later, I picked up my car. And noticed they washed it!

So, I had that going for me.

Until, I got 10 minutes from home and it spitted rain on me.

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