Stay Away From The PC and No One Gets Hurt

I have somewhat of a reputation at work of being cranky and impatient, especially when people make the same mistakes over and over. I know, hard to believe someone as lovable as I can be a crank...

I got into work yesterday and saw right away that someone had moved stuff around on my desk and my PC.

The crankiness started.

I hate it when people move my crap. I thought perhaps the cleaning people had dusted so the crankiness level went down. Then, someone told me our PC Tech had been in there and I realized he'd hooked up my new monitor. Sweet! It's a super big flat panel that I've been waiting for since my old monitor blew out a couple of months ago. Since then, I've been on this too small flat panel but I was making do.

Crankiness level at zero.

I logged in and....stuff no workie. We have installer software that puts the latest versions of our in house apps on our machines and it opened to run but then just stopped. I called my pal Andrea who's the expert and she told me to check the properties and turns out I wasn't mapped to the network right. Curious. I manually mapped to the drive and tried again. No workie.

Then, I went to the Help Desk and the new guy told me someone else had a similar problem the day before and the PC guy fixed it.

At this point, I'm frustrated but not cranky.

I get the PC guy and he sits down at my machine to review it. Turns out, while he was hooking up the monitor he decided to do a little clean up on my machine. And broke it. WTF? This is not the first time he's done something like this and his predecessor used to do the same. Every time they touch my machine, it's hosed. Can we not learn from this, people?

Crankiness level zooming.

While he was trying to fix it, he told me how he came in really early to get it all done because he knows how I don't like having problems on my machine and I'm just politely nodding while the voice in my head is screaming "If you know I'm going to be upset, why do you keep changing things and effing up my machine? I mean, come on! How many times do we have to through this?"

Crankiness level through the roof but hopefully disguised.

He got it back up and running just in time for me to leave for a meeting. The big bummer is I was actually really jazzed to get working that morning because I'm setting up a new development server and that's fun stuff. He totally killed my buzz on that.

To top it off, he wants to upgrade my service pack and use me as a tester before we go company wide on that change. Now, what part of this whole experience (and the many, many like it before) makes him think I would be a good tester?

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