The Hypocrisy Of It All

I don't have any answers to the illegal/undocumented/whatever you want to call it immigration issues the US is facing. Frankly, I'm just not that smart. I do believe, however, that folks are going to keep trying to come here regardless of the risks as long as life in the US offers a greater economic benefit than where they come from.

I don't think these people are evil or even plan on coming over here to live off the public dole. I see too many guys outside of Home Depot in 110 degree weather asking for work to think they're all looking for a free ride.

What really bugs me though is when someone living here illegally badmouths the US. Hey, you're breaking our laws to be here so maybe you shut your trap about how awful it is here. There was one case here in Arizona that has had me (and a lot of folks) stewing for a while now.

An illegal guy killed the parents and brother of his also illegal girlfriend and kidnapped their two children. While an Amber Alert (statewide alert of missing/kidnapped children) was issued, it was apparently too late and the guy was already across the Mexican border. Our cops worked with their cops and the guy was captured and the kids returned to their Mother.

Here's what she had to say when she was reunited with her kids in Mexico:

"I am so proud of my country. What the authorities of the United States couldn't do, they succeeded in doing here. This is my Mexico."

What a stupid, ungrateful woman. I could just bitch slap her and I'm not a violent person. Yep, it's all the evil US' fault that your kids were kidnapped to Mexico and we had to enlist the help of the Mexican government to get them back. Nope, not your fault that you hooked up with a huge loser, had two kids with him and he killed your family. Not his fault that he committed an atrocious act, either, I'm sure. It's all the US' fault - maybe if we hadn't let you live here, none of this would have happened.

She's probably going to end up staying here legally, too, since they need her to testify at the trial. Assuming Mexico will allow us to extradite the guy. For more on that subject, you can read EJ Montini's column.

I'd like to say I feel much better getting that off my chest but I don't. The hypocrites keep coming. I read this article today. Seems our friends down south have their own illegal immigration problem.

Here's an excerpt:

The number of undocumented immigrants detained in Mexico has risen nearly every year for the past decade, increasing 40 percent from 2000 to 2004. In 1997, authorities caught 86,973 undocumented foreigners. By 2004, the number was 215,695. Of those, 211,218 were deported.

Huh, go figure. The same government that put out a pamphlet telling its people how to safely get across the border and who complain about our immigration policies are deporting the vast majority of their illegals. Pardon me if I don't feel sorry for them.

We will now return to our usual frivolous blogging.

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