Skeevy Lunch

Sugar Daddy and I took Steven to lunch yesterday for his birthday. He was very excited when I gave him his present, his very own iPod mini. Being Steven, he had to complain that it was green and not black. SD told him it didn't come in black, that he was an ungrateful expletive deleted and that he should give it back. Yeah, he didn't complain about anything after that. Well, not much. He is Steven, after all.

We went to Rosita's, a good local Mexican food place by work. We were at a table and they were on either side of me so I had a clear view of the restaurant. Unfortunately, there was a clear view of me. This guy across the way kept staring at me. He was sitting with someone so it wasn't like he was just looking around to be entertained. I couldn't tell if he was trying to look up my skirt or what but it just made me unfcomfortable.

I finally told SD and Steven and they checked the guy out and busted him looking over several times. They both agreed that he was creepy, too. Steven, of course, offered to go beat him up. Once I had my protectors on the job to deflect creepy guy's stares, I didn't worry about it anymore and didn't even notice when the guy left. I'm just glad I wasn't there alone because I would have been really uncomfortable.

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