Concert Review - Willie Nelson and John Fogerty

I went to the show last night with Norene and our friends, Rick and Lorean who live up in Safford. Before the show, Rick made it clear he wasn't too jazzed about seeing Willie. After the show, he still wasn't jazzed.

A few songs into Willie's opening set, I noted to Norene that Willie wasn't keeping time with his band. She informed me that the band wasn't keeping time with Willie. Apparently, he's a stylist which means he never performs a song the same way twice. Um, OK. I guess you're a stylist if the audience can't even sing along with you because you've drastically changed the tempo and pauses.

Willie did look like he was having a good time, though. I think the average age of his band was about 60 and that was only because the harmonica player looked to be about 40 and brought the average down. They played well. They just didn't quite play with Willie.

I've never seen John Fogerty in concert so I didn't know what to expect. He put on a really good show. Lots of energy (we spent most of the show standing and dancing in front of our seats) and he got most of his signature tunes in. He had a new song that compared our military efforts today to Vietnam that was quite good. Apparently, there were lots of liberals in the audience because it drew a lot of applause.

I would see Fogerty again...but, I don't know that I'll feel compelled to see Willie anymore. I've caught him twice in the past three years and that may be enough for me.

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