New Phone

I've been talking about getting a new cell phone for months. Mine is probably three or four years old and I wanted something smaller and cuter. I also decided to dump Sprint since I have a heck of a time getting service in a lot of areas. Grandpa has Verizon and he gets service up in the mountains and all over the state and Sugar Daddy also recommended Verizon so that's what I decided to get.

Of equal importance was picking out the new phone. My first thought was a RAZR because the pink ones are so cute. But then I talked to several people who had them and they weren't in love with them. They're also a little wider and longer than my current phone although thinner and weigh less. Sugar Daddy was convinced that I should get the RAZR. For everyone that I found who didn't like theirs, he'd counter with someone who loved the phone.

Steven has a PEBL. I love it. It's cute and small and just what I wanted except I couldn't get it in pink. Unfortunately, you can only get one of those with Cingular which I've heard has worse service than Sprint.

The decision was made for me when I went to Verizon's site and saw their phone options. Ugh. The RAZR is by far the best looking phone they have (though the new Chocolate looks cool). Sugar Daddy found me a deal on Amazon for the pink RAZR (which are somewhat hard to come by) so I tried to buy it.

I say "tried" because every time I went through the order process, it errored out on my birthday with a message telling me that I needed to format it mm/dd/yyyy. Since that was how I had entered it, I was at an impasse.

I called the customer service number for Amazon and was told to delete the cookies from my browser. I'd tried it on two different machines so I told the guy that wasn't going to fix it. He checked to see if anyone else had reported a problem and couldn't find any incidents. He then pretty much told me there was nothing he could do since the only way to test it was for him to actually order a phone. I guess they don't have a development or test environment.

I gave up for several days then tried again. This time I got a message saying there was an error on the page but I still couldn't order it. It took a couple weeks, but they got it fixed and I was finally able to buy the phone.

It came in yesterday and it is adorable! It was really easy to port my current cell phone number over to the new phone and I've already had a lesson on using the still and movie camera options from one of the guys at work.

I spent a big chunk of time putting in phone numbers and selecting ringtones for everyone. I've decided I know too many people since I'm only half way done. Sugar Daddy's picked out his own ring which is the loudest and most startling one. He also took a charming picture of himself with his little plastic bonnet that he has to wear when he's getting the ends of his hair bleached and added it to his contact info.

I told him after all the browbeating he gave me about getting a RAZR and how much of a pain it was to order it that his life was going to be hell if I didn't like it. He completely accepts that.

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