Stressed and Stretched

I have a theory about stress. There are several areas in my life: work, home, family, friends and romantic interest. OK, no romantic interest right now but you get the idea.

If there's a major stress in one of those areas, say I'm working overtime to get a big project done by a deadline, I can deal with it as long as the other things are going well. But, if you add in another stress source like someone in the family is ill at the same time, it's not so easy to deal. Add in a problem from another area of my life and I'm overwhelmed. These are all examples, mind you.

However, I'm overwhelmed.

There's stress at work, at home, in the club and I've got a personal issue roiling on the back burner. I'm hesitant to open any emails or answer my phone at this point because I'm afraid it's just going to add to the list of stuff that's weighing me down.

However, I know it's only a temporary phase (please, God, let it be so). I've made a list of things to take care of and in order of importance and I'm chunking through it. I'm making plans to deal with some of the more long term stuff. And, for the short term, I've shut down some activities that I just don't have time for (notice how few blog posts there have been?).

I've also done something the past two nights that I haven't done since...well, ever. I haven't checked any email after I left work. Man, is that freeing! I love my laptop and my cell phone but they are electronic leashes and sometimes I don't want to be reined in or brought to heel.

It will get better, I have no doubt. It's just not so fun at the moment.

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