No Hunky Cowboys...

Well, I can cross the Cowboy Poets event off my list of things I haven't done. Don't really need to do it again, either. Had a great weekend, though!

Norene and I headed up to Prescott Valley to visit our friends, Bill and Lynn, on Friday night. The four of us went to dinner at Zeke's which is a pretty good restaurant that gives you way too much food. You could feed three or four people on one meal. It's crazy.

After getting stuffed at dinner, we hit a local liquor store for Miller Lite. Bill's a Coors Light guy but we don't hold that against him even though it means we don't want to drink what's in his fridge. As we were checking out, Norene noticed Boone's Farm in a cooler by the front door. They had several flavors and she picked up a bottle (750 ml) of the Fuzzy Navel. It cost $2.60. No lie. That's some cheap shit there.

The rest of the evening was spent hanging out on the back patio, drinking and gabbing. Norene polished off her Fuzzy Navel which tasted like Kool-Aid to me and was quite pleased with her purchase. Lynn had been enticed to buy a sampler of Pravda Vodka which came with two little Martini glasses. The vodka bottle had a jewel on it so I loved that. Can't get enough bling, in my opinion. Lynn and Norene decided it didn't taste all that great, however.

Next morning, we hit a local restaurant for buckwheat waffles. Man, those were good. I'd never had them before but I liked them because they're sweet. While I liked them, Norene loved them and was practically orgasmic over the combo of the waffle and coconut flavored syrup.

We headed up the road to Prescott to catch the afternoon Cowboy Poets sessions. We had to make a stop at The Crystal Palace for a cocktail first. Norene's never been to Prescott except on a drive thru so we were obligated to show her all of the cool spots.

Fortified by alcohol, we paid our $5 at the Elks Club Opera House (if you think that sounds remotely fancy, you would be wrong) to see the shows. We walked in during the Yodelling session. I kid you not - a whole hour devoted to yodelling songs. There were two guys and two women performing and the women were quite entertaining. One sang the Patsy Montana classic, I want to be a Cowboy's Sweetheart. I dig that song. I wish I could sing it. Heck, I wish I could sing.

At one point in the session, Norene turned to me and said, "You are by far the youngest person here." She wasn't far off. The room reportedly sat 575 people and I could only spot 3 that looked to be my age or younger. A little while later, Bill said to me, "You're the youngest person here." So, while I do like to imagine that I'm always the youngest person in the room, in this case I wasn't the only one thinking it.

Bill was done after the first session and left us to go to Home Depot. Lynn was willing to stick it out a while longer so we waited through a short break.

The second session was Cowboy Comedy. Yeah, not so much with the funny, though. A couple of the guys told some poetic stories that were entertaining but the jokes were almost as old as the audience.

After an hour of that, Lynn was ready to call it quits. I was willing to stay if Norene wanted to since it was her deal to start with but she declared she was done. Surprisingly, the room was jam packed as we left. Guess there's just not much to do in Prescott.

We adjourned to the Jersey Lilly Saloon, called Bill to come join us and sat on the upstairs patio for a couple of drinks. It was fun watching the classic cars and motorcycles going by below us. I saw this huge boat of a convertible that I wanted. Lynn said it was a Chevy and I don't remember what year but you could have put 8 people in it. I'd love to road trip in one of those.

Our next stop was the Lizard Lounge. Norene decided she was done with beer as it wasn't sitting well with her tummy. Lynn suggested she have a Bailey's on ice as it would coat her stomach. She went for that and the next thing I know, both Lynn and Norene are Long Distance Drunken Dialing their kids. I felt sorry for Bill as he nursed a Diet Coke while the rest of us drank and drank and drank some more. Thank God for the DDs in the world.

I'm not sure where she got the idea, but Norene decided an Amaretto on the rocks would be really good. At that point, I took a picture of her that I called "Norene before she puked". I was sure it was inevitable.

We hit a good Italian restaurant for dinner. I had some yummy spinach ravioli. Norene ordered pasta in Alfredo sauce with a side of Italian sausage. They served the sausage with Marinara on it so it was kind of a weird combination of foods.

Somehow, it was decided that we needed more Boone's Farm for the evening so we popped into a liquor store in Prescott. Not surprising to me, they didn't have it so we went back to the place in Prescott Valley. As we walked in the door, the clerk recognized us and started telling the other clerk about our previous visit. I guess we were kind of memorable. This time, Norene bought two bottles. I was really sure puking was in her near future.

I had suggested that we should play some Euchre as our evening entertainment so Bill and I teamed up against Lynn and Norene. I readily admit to being highly competitive but I've got nothing on Bill. He's not so much the good sport. We slaughtered them. I think was something like 10 games to 1. I started feeling bad for them so I just quietly played. Not Bill. He got in plenty of digs. It wasn't pretty and I'm sure he'll pay for it.

The next morning, I was not surprised to hear that Norene had woken up in the middle of the night with a sour tummy. We decided it must have been the combination of the Alfredo and the certainly couldn't have been the rotgut Boone's Farm! She didn't hurl, though.

We went back to the buckwheat place for breakfast again then headed down the hill for home. It was really great spending time with Bill and Lynn and I wish they would move back to the Valley. Of course, it's always fun with Norene around to pick on (I think I only made 2 midget comments all weekend - I was being good).

No luck on finding any cowboys to pick up on though. Bummer on that but I'll get over it. Norene and I are going to see Willie Nelson and John Fogerty this weekend so maybe they'll be someone interesting (and under 60) there.

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