Busy Day Tomorrow

I'm sure most of you are aware of tomorrow's very important event.....

Yes, it's the opening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

Sugar Daddy and I always see the HP movies on opening day and were trying to fit this one into our schedule. He's leaving for Prescott tomorrow night and we get frakked every time we try to leave work early so....it's the midnight show tonight for us!

Fortunately, it's at the new Cine Capri by my house so I only have a 5 minute drive home at 3AMish. Good thing, too, because I have a crown prep appointment at my dentist's at 7:40AM. It was the only time they could get me in this week and I'm constantly worried that my tooth is going to disintegrate at any moment, leaving my root exposed to the elements and therefore causing excruciating pain. (No, I'm not overly dramatic, why do you ask?)

It's straight to work from the dentist's for a morning of meetings that I am facilitating then our department is having a birthday celebration at 1. I imagine I will crash and burn soon after that.

It's all going to be worth it to see HP - I can't wait!

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