I Just Love This!

Does this ever happen to you at work?

Someone wants you to do something RIGHT THIS MINUTE!

So, you try to do it only to find someone else hasn't completed a critical process that you need.

Next, you wait two weeks for that critical process to get done.

Finally, you get the go ahead to finish it up.

Within a few hours of getting the go ahead, someone is on your ass to do something RIGHT THIS MINUTE!

Yeah, you didn't have your ducks in a row, you kinda putzed around and now you're on me to hurry up? I don't think so.

I will, however, get my part done tomorrow but only because I think it's important to get done. It's not because I'm bowing to the get it done RIGHT THIS MINUTE pressure.

This kind of thing drives me insane and I'm already teetering on the edge of sanity as it is. God help the person who asks me tomorrow, "Is it done yet?"

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