Reading Harry Potter...

I wasn't the only one leaving the boys' poker game on Friday night to go directly to a store for the new Harry Potter book. Steve was heading to Fry's, I went to my local Safeway. I got there at 11:55 and there were only two women waiting for the book. It was the way to go...the cashier's terminal turned to midnight and they brought out our books. I was out of the store, book in hand, at 12:05 AM.

I read 150 pages (out of 759) before I gave up and went to sleep. I was up at 7 on Saturday and back to reading. I had to stop at 11 to take a shower and go get my hair done. Argh! I only had 150 pages left!!!

I made sure to take my book with me so I could read while Cheryl worked on my hair. I was so concerned about forgetting my book that I didn't take my purse with me and didn't realize it until I was at Cheryl's (32nd St and Union Hills so not even close to my house). I don't think I've ever left my purse at home before so that tells you how consumed I was by the book.

Cindy was waiting for her book to get delivered via USPS. A couple of times, she said "What's going on? No! Don't tell me!" I tried not to give anything away but Sugar Daddy said my face was pretty expressive.

I read while my color was setting. It wasn't easy because Cheryl, Cindy and Sugar Daddy were watching The Jamie Kennedy Experiment and it was pretty distracting. Cheryl let me finish the book before washing out the color. I'm not sure that was the right thing to do - I now have very blond hair and I'm worried that it's going to fall out in large clumps since it's pretty brittle.

Anywhooo, I got the book done and it was a very good ending to the series. Rowling did kill off bunches of characters but I was only tempted to cry once. OK, twice. If I'd been home alone, I would have but I knew I'd be mocked by the gang so I held back.

I may re-read it just to catch the clues/nuances that I missed.

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