Release The Hounds!

I baked brownies for the department and brought them in yesterday. No, that's not a typo, I did actually bake.

Anywhooo, I put them on a filing cabinet outside my office door, sent an email to everyone in the department that they were there then sat back to watch the action.

The chow hounds started arriving in less than two minutes. We have one guy that we joke will always have a second helping (at least) at any event. He sits near my office so he had the geographic advantage and was there first. Our other major eater was on vacation so he missed out completely. The second tier of eaters were all there within five minutes. There were also several folks who did some casual circling to hit seconds when no one else was around to see them.

The whole 13 X 9 pan of chocolatey goodness was gone by mid-afternoon and I had fun watching the social psychology aspect of it all.

BTW, my fellow departmental liberal Democrat was inspired to say, "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie." Doesn't sound that funny in writing but the two of us cracked up big time.

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