Poker - Boys vs. Chicks

I played Chick Poker on Saturday and I'm playing with the boys on Friday.

There are distinct differences between the two events.

I give a huge edge to the chick game for the food. We had crepes with warm berries, cheese souffle, fruit salad, thick bacon and champagne in the chick game. Lots of champagne, too. When I play with the boys, I grab a burger at the Jack In The Box drive thru and eat it while I'm on the 101 on the way to the game.

The chick game is much more social. We gossip and give each other crap about love lives (or lack thereof) and talk about books and movies and pretty much no one ever shuts up. The boy game conversation is mostly, "I own your ass!"

The game is entirely different, too.

I was in a hand with one of the chicks who pulled out a straight on the very last card. I had trip Kings. I said, "I can't believe you got it on the last card." She said, "I had a straight way before the last card."

Uh, no, she didn't. But, she thought she did so she kept betting and stayed in. I thought my head was going to pop off my body.

I have trouble playing against some of the girls because they don't know what they're doing so I can't get a read on them. I feel bad because I end up playing against my friend Angela who knows what she's doing and I take advantage of bluffing her out because of that fact.

At least with the boys, they generally know how to play and they're more predictable. I know that Jeff is going to go kamikaze at some point, that Wayne is going to start bullying, that Jim is going to play tight and that Pirate Rick is going to get stubborn.

I have to say that, as with other activities, I prefer playing with boys.

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