Smart Move By The Parents

Shorty called me today while I was at work. He asked for my address, I gave it to him then he hung up. I didn't even ask him why he wanted it because I figured he'd tell me eventually.

He called me tonight to say he needed my address for the funeral home. Turns out, he and Mom prepaid their arrangements today. I don't want to sound morbid nor cavalier about it but it's a great idea. They can feel good knowing they've left me with no worries about it and I, well, I get to not worry when the time comes.

I also talked to him about living wills. He said he talked to a bunch of people and that, if that time comes, I'll have no problems pulling the plug on him. We've talked about it before and I've told him I'm doing it without hesitation. I hope it's not needed, believe me.

He's good with my decision. When my Grandma (his Mom) had a stroke in the nursing home, her kids couldn't agree what to do. They ended up putting in a feeding tube and she lived on in a much less than desirable (and fortunately an apparently unaware) state. Shorty regrets that to this day. I won't let that happen to my parents and I'm confident Steven won't let it happen to me.

OK, I guess I did get morbid there, sorry. I'll take comfort from Yoda's words, "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force."

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