Poker With The Boys

I really like playing with the, that is. I think there were 21 of us and Debbie and I were the only women. I like that ratio. :-)

As I arrived, I wondered which nickname would greet me first: Princess or Bully. Bully won out. I can't say that I blame them. I have tended to play aggressively with the boys.

I won the first hand at our table and it was a big one. I also won the second but then I slowed down. I told the guys that I can only play with good cards and that was a semi-bluff. I'm getting better at playing position and the players. I won on a 9-3, K-3 and 3-2. Unfortunately, I got a little cocky on a couple of hands that cost me some major dollars.

I'm going to have to play tight for the next couple of games. They're pretty much convinced that I'm a bluffer and a bully and that I use the big stack to push them around. The dangerous part of that reputation is that they think I'm a bluffer. That means they're not going to believe me and I won't be able to bluff even if I try.

Overall, it was a good night. I placed fourth so I got my money back, took out Wayne and flirted a lot with the Cute Boy, Toby. Funny thing about the latter, Toby usually doesn't drink that much but he was hitting the whiskey on Friday. It turned him into a total potty-mouth which I find annoying in Jeff but somehow bad boy sexy in Toby. Though, to be honest, it was more silly than sexy.

I also played Supid Poker with the guys who got knocked out. It's truly stupid. Everyone throws in a dollar and the dealer makes up some game. There's no betting and the best hand wins. It was just goofy. One of the examples was Omaha with two cards down, then the flop, then two more cards down with the lowest of those last two being wild. They played with a lot of wilds. I didn't even try to figure out what won...I just let the boys do it. There were lots of flushes, full houses and four of a kinds. I really hate playing with wild cards. But, I had to kill some time before I could get Harry Potter so I threw $5 away playing.

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