It's Literally a Small World

I just got a call from my good friend Roger. He's in the Bahamas. He said, "Do you know a guy named Matt that works at your company?"

Do I ever! He's one of my "boys". We have a very special relationship, too. One day, I answered a call from him with,"How are you, my pet?" and he now Woofs at me in IMs and sometimes in person. It's a funny game that actually is more amusing to us than anyone else but it is "our" thing.

Turns out Matt and his wife are with the same University of Phoenix group that Roger is with. They've gone to the Bahamas to celebrate their mutual graduations. Not only is Matt there, but so is the son of another woman we worked with and yet another former co-worker whose been gone for years.

They all told Roger they know me and think I'm totally cool (not surprising because I am me, after all). Matt asked Roger if he was a Parrot Head which is an affirmative. Matt also told Roger he works for my buddy T, whom Roger has met. That all probably led to some stories and I'm only slightly scared by that.

So, not only can I not going anywhere without people knowing me, people who know me can't go anywhere without finding other people who know me.

I think I should consider hermithood.

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