I Really Need to Read HP ASAP

Sugar Daddy's been mocking me about wanting to read Harry Potter on Saturday and not be willing to take a break to get my hair done. I tried to explain that I have to read it before I hear or read about a spoiler.

He thinks I can somehow avoid all media until I'm done with the book.

I told him there's no way. I likened it to the Main Event of the World Series of Poker. I try to avoid finding out who wins but inevitably I stumble upon the name or picture of the champ. Believe me, it made me nauseous watching the obnoxious Jamie Gold last year knowing that he was going to win.

So, what happened this morning?

I open my paper to see...yep, the winner of this year's World Series of Poker.

There's no way I can avoid finding out the ending of Harry Potter without total seclusion and reading it immediately in one sitting.

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