Stroll Down Memory Lane

I've sat in eight different places in the thirteen years I've been at this job. Thirteen years is a long time to accumulate a lot of crap. Places -3 and -4 were in a building across the street where no one moved in after we left. Most of us left a lot of detritus in our wake.

We finally got the "clean your crap out now, dammit" message this week so a few of us went over after lunch to sift through it all.

It was like a trip in the way back machine.

We found pictures from 2002 and 2003. I found a manual that a previous employee put together in 07/98 that I took over in 09/98. There were also countless software and hardware manuals (floppys from 2002!) and meeting notes as far back as 2001. We guessed at whose handwriting we found on documents and binders.

Ultimately, the three of us came away with a small box of Halloween decorations, our old Christmas stockings that we made probably ten years ago, a cord and one manual. I also retrieved Sugar Daddy's CDs which were a mixture of Jerky Boys and Christian Rock with a Michael Bolton thrown in. He can throw them out if wants to.

There's a ton of crap that our facilities people will dispose of for us. Bins of papers, manuals and old software disks make up most of it with the oddest items being 3 sombreros and 2 straw cowboy hats. Those were remnants of previous parties.

Ah, good times, good times.


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