The Cat's Away...

Sugar Daddy is in CA for a week long Apple conference. I imagine he's kicking back with Steve Jobs and gushing about how Macs are superior and Apple is a religion worthy of following.

So, that leaves me in charge. But, it's like Alexander Haig was in charge. (I know, just that reference alone makes me very, very old.) For the whippersnappers out there, when Ronald Reagan was shot, Al Haig went before the press who asked who was in charge. To which he replied, “As of now I am in control here in the White House.” Of course, he wasn't in charge, Reagan still was and he got hammered for even saying it.

Today's the first day SD is gone. One of his employees emailed in sick, another called me to ask for the day off and a third came in wearing shorts. I asked the latter where his long pants were and he said he was wearing shorts in anticipation of his health appointment...two hours from then. I let him know that wasn't the best choice to make but he didn't go change.

I felt more like Cartman than a manager. (Does that reference make me seem any younger?)

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