I Want Just One Do-Over

I played poker with boys on Friday night. I only got called "Bully" once so I don't think I played aggressively enough.

Actually, I know I didn't.

I made it to the final four and was third in chips. The big stack folded, the short stack went all in and I was in the little blind with the big blind playing the rush behind me. He'd been up and down the whole night and was on a nice little winning streak.

I debated calling the all in but I chickened out because I figured the big blind would call and do the dirty work for me. He did call but ended up doubling up the short stack.

My hand would have knocked him out.

Dang it!

It was a bad non-call on my part. I ended up with the short stack and went out fourth, one spot out of the money.

I did win back half of my stake from Friday when I played with the girls on Saturday so I had that going for me.

Oh well, lesson learned. Hopefully.

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