"Suck" Is Bad?

I was listening to my favorite radio station this week when the DJ said, "The new Diamondbacks uniforms suck". (An opinion I completely share, BTW.)

He got an email from a listener who said he shouldn't use that kind of language because people had their kids in the car with the radios on at that time of the morning.

Sugar Daddy's initial response to when I told him about it was, "Well then, don't listen."

But, it made me start thinking. What's the objection to suck? It's pretty much part of our common lexicon. Is it crude? Or, just too severe? Would she have objected to "bite", "blow" or "reek"? It's not like it was an actual curse word so I don't quite understand her complaint.

I know I'm not the best judge because I sound like the proverbial drunken sailor on my worst days and I'm not much better even on my good ones. So, I have a high threshold when it comes to inappropriate language. But, this one I just don't get.

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