Shot Pusher

I am the (nearly) last person to propose doing shots. I'd rather stick to my Miller Lite where I can actually measure the amount of alcohol I'm imbibing.

However, I'm not saying that I won't do shots. It's usually someone else buying me a shot and me saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no, okay." I put up a fight but usually cave in the end then blame the other person for bad behavior or hangover that might occur. I have been known to decline but that's usually when I'm out with the boys from work and I know that I have no chance of keeping up with them.

So, it was funny to me how easily I went from shot victim to pusher on the cruise. I don't even know how the subject came up, but one of our gang, D, said he didn't do shots anymore. He even had cute phrases, "Shot free since 2003" and "Shots no more since 2004", etc. His stance made it a challenge and when he said, "Well, except for special occasions", I knew I had to get him to do one.


We all joked for a couple days about whether it was a special occasion and on Sunday, he gave in. They were selling Sex on the Beach shots on the ship and you got to keep the cute little glasses. I'm a sucker for drinks that come with the glass. Blondie, Ted and I had already done one round before we finally got D to join us. That's all we did, though.

But it was enough to make me feel victorious. And, at least my victim didn't end up regretting bad behavior or a hangover. I guess we are somewhat grown up after all these years.

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