If I Only Had A Brain

I'm going on a 4 day Mexico cruise on Friday. It's for our class reunion (you couldn't pay me to tell you which one). 72 Beer Mary and I were in the same class and Kathy was a year behind (and hung out with us the whole time) so we're all going.

I don't think I've ever been less prepared for a trip before.

Cruise booked? Only because Mary did it for me.

Packing started? Not at all. I haven't even decided if I'm going with the weekender bag so I can carry it on the plane or the bigger bag.

Laundry done? Nope. I do have some in the dryer, though.

Got cash? Haven't been to the bank yet.

Passport ready? Um, no, but this is where procrastinating paid off. I've known about this cruise for months. I knew I should get a passport (actually, I thought I had to). However, I kept screwing around until there was three weeks to go. I went to the Post Office to finally get it taken care of and they said Rush Service would be at least four weeks. Crap. I got the name of an expediting service from Carol but found out in the meantime that I don't need a passport for the cruise but if something happens and I need to fly home from Ensenada, I'd be screwed. The service could get it for me in 3 business days so I continued to putz around. Fortunately, the government relaxed the regs so I only need to show I applied. Sweet! That just saved me a big expediting fee.

Passport applied for? Um, no. I'm still hopeful that I can do it tomorrow but my odds of winning the Powerball are probably higher than those of me getting it done.

Airfare booked? Yes, but not without being stupid. I'm flying out with my friends Ted and Dave and I called Ted a few weeks ago to get their flight info. I swear he told me we were coming back on Sunday. I even have it written down on my notepad. OK, it could have been the several glasses of vino that I had before I got online and booked the flight. The next morning, I woke up and thought, "Aren't we coming back on Monday?" Three phone calls and a lecture from US Airways later, I got my flight changed to Monday and they didn't charge me the $100 change fee.

Ride to and from the airport set? The thought didn't cross my mind until Monday. I called Steven but he's working on Friday and Monday. Sugar Daddy is gone for the whole week. Shorty has to work on Friday. My friend Andrea comes in late on Fridays. I was running out of options. I sent my buddy T an IM and asked him if he would give me a ride to the airport (our office is 10 minutes away) and he said sure. He asked, "What time do you want to leave?" I replied, "About that, you have to pick me up at my house." Though he declared a case of false advertising, he still agreed. Since I live 15 minutes from work and the airport is in the middle it will only take him 1/2 hour for the errand. I've already forgotten what time he's picking me up so I need to reconfirm that. I still didn't have a ride home but, conveniently for me and not at all for him, Steven wrecked his car on Tuesday so he's going to borrow mine while I'm gone and will rearrange his schedule to pick me up.

Cruise doc filled out? Finally. I thought about it on the way home from visiting the parents tonight (since I'm going to be gone for Father's Day, I threw Shorty a bone and hung out there for a few hours). In the 10 minutes it took to get home, I forgot all about it. Fortunately, Mary was taking care of me again. She and Kathy had filled theirs out and noticed I didn't have mine done. She emailed me to call her and when she reminded me, I started rooting around for the cruise package. And rooted and rooted and rooted. Jiminy Christmas! With thoughts of trying to replace my docs at the last minute whirling through my head, I actually had a smart thought. What's the one thing I haven't been without for the last 2 months? My laptop. I checked in the carrying bag and found my docs. I didn't monkey around anymore and filled out the boarding stuff online. I got through the first part and checked the status to see that it was still showing incomplete. WTF? I went through every page! I started through it again and saw what I'd missed. Marital status: single or married? Freudian slip?

Nails done? This is totally a chick thing and the answer is no. I have a feeling I'll be doing them at midnight tomorrow night.

About the only thing I have going for me at this point is that I just need to throw a bunch of tank tops and shorts and maybe one skirt and the wardrobe is ready. Oh wait, I have another thing going for me. The Babes will be with me to take care of me. Clearly, someone needs to.

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