
We're having an Aloha Day at work. Not sure why except it's kinda fun. Everyone was supposed to dress up in something tropical. It was interesting to me that, while I was wondering which tropical shirt to wear, so many other people were saying they didn't have any. They clearly need to liven up their wardrobes.

They also relaxed the dress code so we could all wear shorts. I thought that was neat because it will save me from changing before I go out tonight. Turns out, I should have brought jeans because the office is frakking freezing when you're in shorts.

Besides serving us tropical sorbets (coconut, mango or pineapple) in cute coconut shells (products of South Africa?!?), the H/R department gave the managers colored leis to hand out to the employees. I walked around yesterday and let people choose which color they wanted. Someone asked me what color I was going to take and I told them I would just take what was left. They thought that, since I was the manager, I should get first pick.

I very innocently said, "Do you have any idea how many leis I already have?"

Oy vey, what a mistake!

I immediately got a slew of smartypants responses. "Hey now, that's personal business!" "There's no telling!" "We're afraid to ask!"

My favorite, however, was "One in every port?"

I wish! That would make my year of travelling even more fun!

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