Mulligan Boys

Sandi and Doug were nice enough to brink Mark Mulligan's boys, Marcos and Luis, to Parrot Grande on Saturday and the boys stayed over with Mark until Sunday. I was amazed at the change in them since I last saw them.

Marcos is a chatterbox and totally a gringo now. He 'won' a motorized car in our raffle and also got a set of kids golf clubs which he was out hitting with on the lawn. His English is close to perfect and he had no hesitation with chatting with anyone. Mark left me in charge of the boys while he was checking out of his room and Marcos and I got into a whole, quite involved, discussion on how we were going to build a boat.

A bunch of us then moved to the bar and took the boys with us (we are Parrot Heads so that shouldn't be too surprising). Marcos then got his first cocktail - a Roy Rogers with several cherries. Make that lots of cherries. We ended up cleaning out the bar of cherries. He shared some of his drink, and a few cherries with his little brother, Luis. He also poured a packet of sugar on them. I'm sure Mark had a good ride home with a kid hepped up on all of that.

Marcos, Boat Builder.

While we were hanging in the bar, I told Marcos he should talk to Captain Tom about building a boat. I didn't mean for them to do it right at that moment but that's how it worked out. The two of them went out and scavenged materials and came back with a finished product.

The sail is the final touch.

Luis has changed a lot, too. He's not talking so much but he's much more attached to Mark. Last time I saw him, he was quite content to hang with me for the whole day. Now, he's playing hard to get. It took me a while to get him to warm up (and he was pretty tired so that made him cranky) but I finally did it. He was OK sitting with me as long as Mark was near by.

Luis making sure The Princess doesn't get thirsty.

Luis is quite the generous guy, too. He poured some of his Roy Rogers into my glass for me. It doesn't taste too bad with rum and coke, actually. I'm sensing future boyfriend material...though even I think the age difference might be a little much.

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