Sad Poker Night

For the first time with playing with the boys, I didn't finish in the money. I came in fourth last night but we were only paying out the top three.

Dang it!

I got absolutely no sympathy...big surprise.

I played two hands poorly to start out so I had to dig my way back out of a hole. When we got to the final table of 9, I was 7th in chip count. The blinds and antes were getting big and I made two consecutive all-ins with pocket kings and pocket deuces to gain some much needed chips.

The big stacks were driving me crazy because the other short stacks would go all in and the big guys were doubling them up instead of taking them out. I know it's somewhat about luck at that point but I knew I needed help to get into the money.

The hand of the night was when one of the short stacks went all in, Wayne called, I went all in, Karl called and Wayne recalled. I only had king high so I figured I was out. Karl flopped a straight but Wayne rivered a flush. Karl and Wayne were still talking about the hand later that night when some of us headed over to Toby's for his birthday party after the game.

I'll get them next time!

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