I Should Probably Stop Being Surprised

I went to a lunch presentation today that was put on by some of our Techie vendors (CDW, Cisco, EMC and RSA). The subject was security and, while I knew I was probably going to be the least technical person there, the thought of a free lunch at Morton's (fancy steakhouse) lured me in.

There were about 40 people there (and, now that I think about it, only two were women) and I sat down at one of the back tables and started chatting with folks. One of the guys at my table said he was surprised he didn't see anyone he knew there because he usually sees other people in the field at these events. I did a quick glance around and didn't see anyone I knew, either.

When they started the presentation, I turned around to the front of the room and found myself staring at the back of a guy's head at the table in front of me. A familiar looking head, actually. I got a bit of a profile and saw a small hoop earring and a goatee and the image matched to a name in the mental database.

Turns out , it was one of our club members, Jim of JimandKim. We got caught up after the presentation and we're both pretty jazzed about our October Vegas trip.

Once again, there appears to be nowhere I can go without running into someone I know.

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