It's a Small Ballpark

Sugar Daddy and I went to the Diamondbacks' game this afternoon. Was I surprised when club members, Don and Kay, strolled in and sat in front of us? Nope. I'm used to this sort of thing happening.

About halfway into the game, I saw our Controller heading up to get some brews. He was one section over from us. Again, not surprised.

I can't go anywhere...

BTW, turns out that SD and I are bad luck. He was all excited when the DBacks got up 5-0 against The Nationals and was rooting for 5 more so we could leave. We follow the 10 run lead rule where I agree to leave early if one team is up by 10 or more. However, they managed to lose the game in the 9th after some bad pitching let The Nationals get back into the game.

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