Cow Wars - Episode...I've Lost Count

I've been collecting cows for a while in the hopes that I could somehow sneak them into Rhett's house without his knowledge. Mike managed to put one in his show when they were out for Jimmy's gig at the Glendale Margaritaville but I had more.

My plan was to hand them off to Shannon at Phins To The West and have her or Troy put them in his house over the next month or so. I managed to get them to Donnie and Sherri on Sunday morning before we left. Apparently, Shannon got busted with them though so Rhett found out about the plan.

The Rhettster with Cindy, Cow #1

Dawnie was a better sneak than Shannon. I went into my bathroom last night and noticed a new knick knack on top of the medicine cabinet. It's not one that fits my tropical decor but it cracked me up. She must have put it in there Monday morning before I took her to the airport.


I'm going to Utah at the start of June. I imagine there will be a new Cow Wars episode up there. I know I'm going to start plotting...

05/07/08 Correction: Shannon only got busted with the first cow. She has since been successful at distribution, including one that Rhett found in his bed one morning.

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