Tales From Rocky Point - Poker

It's probably not a stretch to think that I would suggest bringing my poker set down to Mexico. I do have an admitted addiction there. However, Julie doesn't play so I didn't want her to feel left out. I left it up to the Pirate Captain and he said she wouldn't mind so bring it.

After our trip to the Tequila Factory, I was feeling a bit, um, tired but poker got mentioned and I was instantly perked up. Annette decided to nap, though. We started dividing up chips and Julie decided to play! That was cool. We bought in for $5 each and played a No Limit Texas Hold 'Em tournament.

I tried to tell the Pirate Captain to not tell Julie how to play. Maybe it's just me, but there's not much more annoying than getting told by your SO that you're screwing up on something. Now that I think about it, that may be one of the reasons why I don't have an SO. Hmmm.

The Unruly One actually playing with us!

Apparently, she didn't need his advice. She outlasted him anyway. Catnip gave me this song and dance about not being able to shuffle so I ended up doing that for him each time he dealt. Man, he played me on that one.

I won that tournament.

After dinner, we played a round of Left, Right, Center and this time Annette was in on the action.

I won that, too.

Catnip miraculously learned how to shuffle.

We then all played another Poker Tourney. There was one hand that was quite interesting. The Rocket Scientist had an Ace high straight with a flush draw and he was playing it for all its worth. What he didn't know was that I had the nut flush. He's lucky I didn't take him out instead of just taking most of his chips. He was very, very bitter.

Oh yeah, I won that event as well.

My winnings for the night.

We played another tournament on Sunday and this time The Rocket Scientist came out on top. He almost stopped being bitter about the Ace high straight.

There was a final match on Monday and Lew played with us, too. We decided to pay out $25 to First Place and $10 to Second. Showing that she didn't really need much outside help, Julie finished in the money. TRS won. I think that got rid of all of his bitternes. I'm guessing that there might be a little left since at one point I said, "Don't be bitter just because I'm luckier and better than you." I could have gotten away with just the lucky part but, of course, I had to push it.

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