
Hi, my name is Kathy and I'm a groupie.

I guess that was the first of many steps towards recovery. The thing is, I don't want to recover. I'm having too much fun at it.

We were headed towards the registration room at the Avi on Thursday when standing right in front of the elevator was Bob Karwin. Apparently, so was Gary Seiler but I didn't notice him for quite a while. I moved right in for a hug. And stayed. He's so big and tall and strong...sorry, got distracted. He is so tall that I have to go up on tiptoe to fully hug him. The only thing that made me let go was the leg strain.

As my posse and I were finally walking away, I came up with an idea. I thought it would be fun to see just how many hugs I could get from Karwin throughout the weekend. We joked about getting a Sharpie and making score marks on my badge for each one. As I thought more about it later, I realized I probably wouldn't get too far because Karwin would figure it out. Did I mention he's really smart and tall and strong...oops, there I go again.

Gift Koozie!

We headed out to the pool to catch Karwin's Thursday night show. I had my beer in my pink Jimmie Johnson koozie and was just hanging at the table when Karwin tossed me one of his koozies. To give you an idea about how much that meant to me, I immediately put JJ away and started using the new koozie. I also mentioned several times that Karwin gave me a koozie. And by several, I mean several dozen.

Patti K. came out with an envelope of stuff for Karwin and I offered to deliver it. And, I showed her the koozie. I popped over to the stage and passed on the envelope. I also managed to get another hug in. I am good.

Moving in for the hug.

I had Karwin all to myself for Thursday but then the Utah girls came to town. I felt sorry for them since they didn't get a Karwin koozie as a gift, they had to buy theirs. But, then they started to play not so nice and moved in on my action.

Tough to top this one.

First, Paige went for a classic tramp groupie move and got Karwin to give her an autograph. On her chest. She couldn't wait to show me, either. The tramp.

That's my spot!

Then, Shannon went for her hug. And stayed. And delighted in my unhappiness with her behavior. Another tramp move and one that I am the master of. I hate it when they use my techniques against me.

Words fail me.

The topper was Jason. He not only got an autograph on his chest area he got his nipple incorporated into it. OK, not even I could out tramp that one.

It was all in good, clean fun. Karwin is married to a very nice woman so none of us have any evil intentions. It was just fun to compete.

On Saturday, the Utah folks were still trying to rile me up with Karwin stories but I had moved on. Brent Burns had made it to town.

He's so cute!

Hi, my name is Kathy and I'm a groupie.

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