Not Quite Random

I got my hair done last Wednesday. The Rocket Scientist didn't even notice and apologized for that fact. Which was sweet but totally not necessary.

The thing is, I was happy he didn't notice. Ever since I went back to red, it's been a different shade every time. And, not even close to the previous color.

Cheryl confessed that she can't remember what combination of colors she uses each time. Well, that explains the variations. Since we do it in her living room, there aren't any mirrors for me to see how it looks so I have to rely on Sugar Daddy's assessment. Half the time, he tells me it looks purple just to freak me out. This time, he said it looked really dark.

He was right. She told me what her formula was and there was a lot of brown in that. Next time, I'm going to get her to ease up on the dark. And, write down the formula each time until it's the right one.

At least it's not purple.

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