Book Review - The Third Secret

The Third Secret: A Novel of Suspense The Third Secret: A Novel of Suspense by Steve Berry

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I had three hours at the DFW airport and finished both of my vacation books so it was off to the newstand for me. I picked this one up since I've liked the other Berry books that I've read.

The Third Secret relates to a missing alleged message from the Virgin Mary that was given to a shepherd girl then covered up by a Pope. Colin Michener, who's featured in a couple of other books, sets out to find the secret at the behest of his boss, the current Pope.

Lots of church intrigue (makes you wonder just how a new Pope is actually picked), dastardly and noble deeds and discussions on the path the Roman Catholic Church has taken over the years.

Good stuff and I'll continue to work my way through Berry's other works.

View all my reviews.

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