Movie Review - The Dark Knight

Based on its box office receipts, I think The Rocket Scientist and I were about the last two people in America to see The Dark Knight. The hype and the ticket sales are justified - it was really good. I don't want to give away the plot for the few people living in caves (but connected to the web) so I won't go into details.

It was a disturbingly violent movie without graphic violence which is good because that usually makes me nauseous. Despite The Lord of the Rings ending (just when you think it's over, it's not) the story was compelling and, while it did feel long, it didn't feel like 2 and 1/2 hours.

Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Cain were stellar, as usual. Heath Ledger was fantastic as the Joker. I don't think an Oscar would be considered a sympathy vote as it may be well deserved. Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face was good but his hair distracted me - it looked too much like a bad wig. His Two-Face look did seem to be a ripoff of The Mummy's Imothep but it was suitably creepy.

Overall, a great film that I would enthusiastically recommend.

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