
I don't even want to know what Freud would make of this…

Here's my dream from last night (edited a bit but this is mostly it).

Lewie was visiting me and I was showing him photos from my past. There were some of me in a wedding dress and I was all, "Oh, I'd forgotten I was married when I was younger". I couldn't recall whom I was married to but I could clearly remember how relieved I felt when I told my parents that I was getting divorced. I struggled to remember my husband's name then tried to decide which of my long time friends I could ask who wouldn't think I was a total loser for forgetting.

I never figured out whom I was married to and I woke up thinking it was all true. It took me a few minutes to fully wake up and realize it was just a dream. I'm not sure why Lewie was there since he's in Iraq and it wouldn't be that convenient for him to drop in but he is a photo guy so maybe that's the tie.

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