A Comedy of Errors

Sugar Daddy and I made a plan a while back to go see The Mummy on Saturday. Steven and The Rocket Scientist decided to join us, too.

We were hoping it would be at the Cine Capri at Tempe Marketplace. It's very convenient for Steven, TRS and me but not so much for SD. Our backup was to go to Chandler Fashion Mall which is in between us all.

They didn't publish the times and theaters until Friday. SD was supposed to prebuy our tickets but he forgot about it so I was designated to make the purchase. It wasn't at Cine Capri so I sent a text to SD saying we were going to Chandler and we picked the 1:15 show. Seemed simple enough.

Except that it wasn't.

The online ticketing process let me get all the way through entering my credit card and billing address and confirming my purchase before coming back with a "We're sorry but the chosen theater cannot process online purchases at this time." I tried several times throughout Friday with no success. Each attempt just ticked me off further than I already was. I tried one last time at TRS' house on Friday night before deciding we'd have to buy at the theater.

A few text messages and conversations and it was decided that Steven would come to my house at 11 then we would swing by TRS's house to pick him up and hook up with SD at the mall around 11:30. As we were travelling, I got a text from SD bitching about the 101 being closed. For some reason, I decided to call him instead of further texting.

He answered his phone with "If my friends weren't so selfish to make me drive across town..." I was confused so I said "But we're going to Chandler."

Sugar Daddy was going to Tempe Market Place. He wasn't too happy about it, either. I said, "I told you we were going to Fashion Mall." Steven started yapping in the background about how we wanted to go to Atomic Comics and TRS wanted to go to the Lego store but I said we could go to Marketplace since SD was already nearly there.

SD said, "Buy the tickets and I'll meet you there." We headed to Marketplace and, since the 101 was closed, McClintock was a mess. It took us forever to get there. While we were driving, Steven and SD were texting about where to go for lunch. I suggested Red Robin and my plan was to head there and send Steven to get the movie tickets.

SD sent a text back, "not my first choice." I called him. "Why did you tell us to pick the place then not want to go there?" I started listing off other places and he interrupted me.

See, he wasn't at Market Place. He'd driven back to the Fashion Mall. And, he was so fed up he was ready to just bail on the whole plan and go home. I talked him off the ledge and suggested he head to BJ's and we'd meet him there.

He got the tickets and went to the restaurant. I drove like a fiend and got us there in record time.

Lunch was actually pretty good and we weren't rushed since we moved our movie time to 2:15. That left us time to go to the comic book store which was a trip into major nerd world then it was off to the theater.

We were there pretty early so TRS and Steven stood in line while SD and I went to buy drinks. I picked a line with one woman and her two daughters in it. It was the shortest of all of the lines. I think the kid behind the counter was actually in the back planting and growing the corn before he popped it. We bolted to the next line and got behind a woman and her two kids. Big mistake. We sat there while 8 customers got served in our old line.

We finally got served and went into the theater. The boys had got us prime front row seats and we were thinking things were finally looking up.

We were wrong.

The new Mummy movie was incredibly bad. Horribly written, cast and acted. I'm talking really, really terrible. It seemed fitting for our day, though, so it had that going for it.

My pain was not over yet since I elected to drive home and had to deal with TRS' not so subtle comments on my driving. He admitted that he either needs to drive or sit in the back seat. I was thinking the trunk might have been good.


At least the rest of the night was pleasant since we went to a fun birthday party.

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