Heading To The Hills...

I am so jazzed to be heading to Christopher Creek for the weekend with a bunch of Parrot Heads. Mark Mulligan and Ray Cody will be playing on Friday and Saturday at the Landmark Saloon. It will be nice to be in the cool pine country.

A bunch of us will be staying in a group of cabins that has a common fire pit area. I've heard we can even have a fire this year. Last year, the fire threat was too high and we actually got detoured on the way up to go around an ongoing fire. We still managed to have a great time, perhaps thanks to the Tequila. The many bottles of Tequila. Too much Tequila, not enough lime. (A little Mulligan reference for you.)

Anywhoo - I'll be going dark until Sunday unless something really compelling gets me logged on tomorrow AM. Hopefully, I'll have some stories when I get back - and they won't all be about how silly I was.

OK, not much hope of that. Especially, if there are some young men around to chat up.

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