Me, My Son And Boys

I think that Steven and I appear to be much more like siblings than Mother/Son because I was pretty young when I had him and I do suffer from arrested development. We have a lot of the same interests, we're both hip to the same stuff (though he wouldn't use the term "hip") and we both look at my parents as the "old people".

However, one area where we are clearly not sibling oriented is my dating. Man, he doesn't like that much at all. If he finds out I'm interested in someone, he makes a point of meeting them so he can, I don't know, show he's tough or something. It's not like he says "Don't mess with my Mom or I'll hurt you." He really just likes to tower over them and, since he's a freakishly tall 6'4", I guess he thinks that's intimidation enough.

He also doesn't like to hear any tales that anywhere include tidbits about me talking/flirting/kissing guys. He does the hands over ears, "la la la la", technique when the subject comes up.

I find that his presence definitely shapes my behavior. Tonight, for example, a group of us were at the DBacks game and Steven was with us. There was a guy there that I've met before, think is cute and have flirted with before. Normally, I would have chatted him up a bit (he is really cute, Cathy Brown will attest to that) and flirted a tad. However, Steven's presence stopped me from doing any of that. Not that he would have freaked out or anything, it just seems weird to be picking up on boys when your kid is around.

I think it has to do with the fact that Steven's pretty much a grownup since I never had any reservations about flirting with boys when he was around when he was younger. Or maybe it's because the guys I want to flirt with seem to get closer to his age every year?!?!

Not that there's anything wrong with flirting with younger men.

There is a reason I'm called Mrs. Robinson.

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